
If you decide to cancel your order before it is dispatched, you can easily request a cancellation by contacting us.

Please note that all cancellation requests are subject to review by the shipping warehouse responsible for your order. It may take a minimum of 4 hours before your request is acknowledged. If the cancellation request is confirmed on our end, you will receive an email notification, and a refund for the item and delivery cost will be issued within 2 business days.

However, once your order has been marked as "Out for delivery" by our selected carrier, we cannot guarantee a successful cancellation. In such cases, if the cancellation request is denied, you will be notified via email, and you can proceed with the return process.

While we strive to accommodate all cancellation requests, it's important to note that not all cancellations are possible, especially if the items have already been shipped or are about to be collected. If your cancellation cannot be confirmed, you will receive an email notification with instructions on how to initiate a return once your item has been delivered. For further information, kindly refer to our Return Policy.

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